If you ever face a problem with your website and are incapable of handling it on your own, ask the respective web hosting company’s support team to assist you to get the site back online. A prompt solution would be the most optimal scenario, but lots of companies reply within twenty four hours or even more, particularly if you’re dealing with a hosting reseller. Even if your problem can be solved without much effort, your site may not function properly or may not be available whatsoever for a prolonged period of time, so you may lose potential customers as it’s quite unlikely that anyone will willingly come back to a site that is faulty. Having said that, you have to make certain not only that you can reach your web hosting company, but also that they can answer and help you in a timely fashion. If a software application update doesn’t proceed smoothly or if you delete something by chance, for instance, the site must be fixed speedily in order to prevent protracted unreachability.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Cloud Hosting

Our guaranteed max reaction time for any technical support ticket that you submit or any email that you write is only 60 minutes, even if you contact us during weekends and legal holidays. Regardless of the nature of your query or issue, we will help you momentarily and will give you the required information to troubleshoot any problem with your websites. The real reaction time usually does not exceed fifteen-twenty minutes, which means that you can just forget about waiting for hours to get an issue solved or what is even worse than that – waiting around a whole day only to receive a response that more information is needed while nothing is solved. We’ll give you assistance in no time solely because we are aware of just how priceless time can be in the dynamic Internet space. The 1-hour response guarantee applies to any technical or billing query that you might have associated with our Linux cloud hosting.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers

We guarantee that if you post a client support ticket from your hosting Control Panel or write an email associated with your semi-dedicated server, you’ll get a response within maximum 60 minutes. You can contact us whenever you want in regards to general, technical or billing matters and given that we will be at your disposal day and night, you’ll always get help in no time. Depending on the particular question or issue, we will provide you with more details, rectify the obstacle if it’s been caused by something within our reach or tell you what to do on your end in case you have to update some setting for an Internet application that we don’t have access to. You can just forget about waiting around for a whole day for each and every reply. Actually, in the majority of cases we reply to emails and tickets within no more than twenty-twenty five minutes.