Webmail is a convenient alternative to computer and mobile phone e-mail applications if you don't have access to your laptop or computer and you don't have a smart phone. You'll be able to access your e-mail messages through virtually any browser, so that you can keep in touch with friends and family if you travel and you go to an Internet cafe, for instance. Webmail apps are rather advanced, so not only will you be capable to send out and receive e-mails, you can also use an address book, make a customized signature or even create new folders, that can later appear in your desktop e-mail application. It is important to know that the email messages available in the webmail are the ones on the server, so in case you set up an email in a PC app using the POP protocol, the messages will be saved on your computer and they will not be available in the webmail. The solution in cases like this is to apply the IMAP protocol any time you create your e-mails in a personal computer application.

Webmail RoundCube in Cloud Hosting

We provide an innovative webmail application with every cloud hosting plan we offer you. The program is known as Roundcube and it comes with a great deal of capabilities, so even though you may not have any e-mail program installed on your PC, you can use Roundcube as a completely functional e-mail application. With a couple of clicks, it is possible to check your e mail, set up an address book, fine-tune the time zone, configure distinctive identities or HTML signatures, and much more. You can access Roundcube by clicking on any e-mail address in your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel or by typing a URL within your browser and entering your e-mail address and the related password. Additionally, you can make a custom made URL through Hepsia, so if the mailboxes that you make will be used by a company, for example, the workers is able to access their e mail while using the company domain.

Webmail RoundCube in Semi-dedicated Servers

Our Linux semi-dedicated servers come with a feature-rich webmail program called Roundcube, which may be accessed either by typing its URL within your web browser and after that entering the needed email, or by simply clicking on a given email account inside the Emails section of your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel. Either way, you will log in to an easy to use interface where one can manage your messages and folders, create aliases or HTML signatures, change the time zone to the one you want, create and make use of an address book, and many more. Roundcube can effortlessly substitute virtually any desktop program. If you use the semi-dedicated account to host a domain name of a company or an organization, you can easily make a customized URL with that domain name for the employees to access their e-mails, as opposed to our default URL.