What is Drupal?

Drupal is an open–source CMS app, that powers numerous sites and applications, including many of the most important sites on–line including Economist.com and WhiteHouse.gov. It’s taken care of by a worldwide community of more than 500,000 end users and administrators who always add brand new improvements as well as add the most advanced systems on the web.

You can employ Drupal to create any kind of web site – a private blog, an online community, a media website, an e–shop, etc. A result of the great number of available add–on modules and preconfigured templates for feature–rich websites, you will have a very good basis for jump–starting your site.

Drupal is a trademark of Dries Buytaert and shares no affiliation with ASG Web Hosting.

Drupal–Optimized Linux Cloud Hosting Services

By using our Drupal Linux cloud hosting solution, you will have your website or web app added on the www in just a few minutes. All you have to do is go for Drupal from the web app drop–down menu on the order form and we’ll set up your Drupal copy once we create your account. That way you’ll be ready to start dealing with your website just after you log in.

Each individual Drupal Linux cloud hosting deal offers a range of service guarantees that guarantee the trouble–free functioning of your sites. We’ll create your Drupal account for free and will back it up with a 99.9% uptime guarantee. Moreover, thanks to our 30–day money–back guarantee, you may ask for a refund if you are not satisfied.

A Point & Click Web Control Panel

For you to better handle your web site, every Drupal Linux cloud hosting plan features our specialized Web Control Panel. It’s produced by ASG Web Hosting to operate just with our cloud hosting platform. This gives it a critical advantage over other control panels – ASG Web Hosting’s Web Control Panel is noticeably faster and a lot more dependable. What’s more, it allows you to simultaneously control your domain name and also your web sites.

Moreover, inside our Web Control Panel you will also find an abundance of free tools and bonuses which can help you with your website. It will be easy to employ the drag–n–drop File Manager, our all–inclusive Mailbox Manager, our Domain Name Manager with multi–domain controls, our Web Apps Installer that allows you to promptly install more than 40 different web apps, our Website Accelerators which will significantly increase the speed of your websites and much, much more.